domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

My favourite Sport!

well, I'm not sportswomen. But I enjoy go in bicycle. When I have time take my bicycle and I begin to pedal. This sport relax me. but I like go to bicyble because It's outdoors and this allows always see differents landscapes. Also to ride a bicycle help me to enjoy good health and I never am stressed. I like ride a bicycle on morming, because the streets has most free.
I can't now to ride in bicycle, because I was run over do two week ago by taxi driver. his car broken my bicycle and I not yet her repair. :(:(


lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009


I don't like the flowers. But the tulip is very pretty! I love this flower because are delicates and very simple. It has varied types and is difficult find one similar to other. There's 5000 species of them. The species most know is Tulipa Gesneriana
The name "tulip" comes from the word "dulban", than mean in turkish turban for similars forms.
Holland grow more of 55% of the production worldwide because it has good soils nad climates for her cultivation.

My family!!!!

My family are Maritza, Matías and Ramón. They are very important for me and everyday more I value than always they are there for help me. They are fantastics and I them love so much!
Any persons say than I'm alike to my mother and others say than I'm equal to my father. I don't know than thing. I'm a mix of their.
Here is a photography of my family in the birthday of my grandmother. The party was funny. We put costum: my mother is the nurse, my brother is peasant and I'm the witch!!!! It was entertaining!!!


childhood memory!!!

well, when think in my childhood I remember to a girl eating bubble gums of Dos en Uno, my favourite flavors was banana. I loved too much, this bubble gums.

History of bubble gums

The Dos en Uno bubble gums were among the first product advertized in the Chilean TV ( in this period transmition was in black and white) and was a classical the cartoon comercial with a couple of children blowing bubbles until they crashed and exploded, with the saying " Dos en Uno is the chewing gum that makes the funniest bubbles". As a matter of fact, this image with the couple of children become the logo of the Dos en Uno brand, that even now is used in the company publicity but with a renewed design.

I remember when my cousin and me played to make enormous bubble and It always bursted in the face! jajajaja!!!! Ours parents always laughed when played!!!
Now it doesn't exist anymore and I miss my own bed!

Sure you remember these bubble gums ....

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2009

My favourite piece of clothing!

I like much the T-shirts, I have several models and shapes. I generally prefer them large and very eye-catching. The T-shirt than more like me has horizontal stripes green with white, it's large. I use it almost always because it's very comfortable and also very special. It was a gift of boyfriend for my later birthday. I have than to admit than have a weakness for green colour and generally I choose the wear of this colour. My friends if find very amusing!

The photo is not the t-shirt what I'm talking about but it looks similar.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

My best Friends

I like this matter. I have many friends, any of their are: Camila, Carolina, Karla, Naira,Fernanda and Johana. They are prettys persons and them always are willing to help when you it need. I laught to guffaw almost always, but in others apportunitys too we speak things very serious and importants.
Cami is student of University of Chile, she's lawyer and too she like travel.
Caro is student of University Santa María in Valparaiso, she's engginer in Products. She life during the week out of Santiago, but the weekend in the Capital.
Feña is university friend and she's the mother of Martina, her daughter has a few most of a year. she's lovely!
Karlita is Ecuadorian exactly of Quito and we know in Argentine, the last years.She's artist Plastic, her work is very good.
Nairita is Bolivian, She's designer, nowadays live in Buenos Aires. She's great, is very creative!
Jhoy is university friend, we travel in summer to Bolivia and we saw to Naira, this was fantastic , too we study for the tests and take beer together in the Pirca.
They are one of the things most beautiful of my life! I always hope to count with their!!!!

I love to my friends!!!!

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

Cristián Warnken Lihn

I really don't admire to nobody, apart from my mother. But if I enjoy reading the deed of this teacher of language and interviewer of television. He's a man most educated and with a inward world most rich. The program of television than his lead is most good. He interview to differents personages outstanding, in each subject and his speak with their in the native language. For any he would by a few bored, but I like so much.
He have a family history marked by the death of his son, Clemente. He write from this grief and It's most amazing it beautiful than grow of a suffering such big.
I want to show them one paragraph of his columna published in the Mercurio newspaper.

Cristián Warnken
Jueves 06 de Marzo de 2008
A ti

A ti que lees estas líneas, que estás bajando por una de las tantas autopistas de la ciudad en esta mañana de marzo o, tal vez, estás en un vagón del Metro -con la mirada extraviada, como todos los que viajan a esta hora-, o paladeas el primer café y recorres distraído las páginas de este diario, buscando algo que no sabes qué es. A ti, que llevas a tus hijos al colegio y que acabas de no escuchar una pregunta que te hizo tu hija más pequeña, porque estabas pensando en otra cosa. A ti, que acabas de salir de la ducha y te ves un instante en el espejo. A ti, que pasas rápido a mi lado y casi me empujas y no me ves. A ti, que -con apenas 18 años- te levantas con el tedio pegado en el alma y te enchufas al computador para no abrir la ventana de tu pieza que da al jardín. A ti, que miras a tu marido todavía dormir a tu lado, y ves su nuca y su piel gastada, y sientes en el centro de tu pecho un hueco, la sensación de un cansancio del que quisieras huir a miles de kilómetros de ahí. A ti, que estás comprando el pan sin emocionarte con su olor y su temperatura. A ti, que entraste al cajero automático y descubriste que el saldo de tu cuenta era negativo, y sientes miedo, rabia, angustia. A ti, que acabas de dejar a tu niño en la sala cuna y te fuiste sin cantarle esa canción "que a él tanto le gusta". A ti, que acabas de entrar en la oficina y te dispones a iniciar un día igual a todos los días, trabajando sin amor por lo que haces, como pieza de un engranaje que te devora.

A ti quiero agarrarte de la solapa, del brazo -con respeto, pero con fuerza-, a ti quiero detenerte en tu carrera loca y decirte lo que tal vez nadie te ha dicho nunca, porque no se enseña en los colegios ni aparece en los diarios. Yo no soy nadie para quitarte cinco minutos de tu atiborrada y desesperada agenda, soy uno más entre los millones que bajan esta mañana a comenzar un día más en la ciudad. Entonces, ¿por qué habrías de desconectarte de tu "iPod" o apagar tu celular para escucharme? Pensarás acaso que soy un predicador más, un vendedor de seguros, o alguien que quiere robarte a plena luz del día. Sé que me mirarás con recelo, con molestia, con desconfianza.

A ti, que me oyes pendiente de tu reloj, quiero decirte, antes de que desaparezcas devorado por la multitud: "El hombre es desgraciado porque no sabe que es feliz. ¡Eso es todo! Si cualquiera llega a descubrirlo, será feliz de inmediato, en ese mismo minuto. Todo es bueno".

¿Y eso era todo? -me dirás-. Sí, y te digo: todo lo demás, fuera de eso, es nada.

Si te he agarrado de la solapa y te he abordado a esta hora de la mañana de este jueves que escribo es para decirte que eres feliz y no lo sabes. Y que eso que te dije lo dijo una vez un hombre como tú, que se llamó Dostoyevski. Y yo, ¿quién soy para hablarte así, para entrar en tu privacidad y leerte la cita de un ruso que no conoces? Yo soy el muerto. Yo estoy muerto, tú estás vivo.

¿Muerto tú? -me dirás-. ¡Pero si puedo tocarte y verte y oírte!

Sí, pero estoy muerto. Yo me levantaba en las mañanas como tú, prendía la radio como tú, paladeaba un café como tú, miraba distraído las primeras nubes en el cielo, y llevaba a mi hijo al jardín, y no sabía que era feliz, que estaba vivo. No lo sabía, como tú no lo sabes, como no lo saben tantos que no pisan con placer las primeras hojas del otoño, que no se detienen a ver los primeros rayos de luz colarse por la ventana para entibiar la piel del o la que duerme todavía a tu lado.

Pero esto, en realidad, no me lo enseñó Dostoyevksi, sino mi pequeño hijo Clemente, un niño como millones de niños que en este momento son llevados al colegio, un niño que me hizo una pregunta que no escuché una mañana de un jueves como hoy. ¡Eres feliz y no lo sabes! Eso es lo que enseñan los niños que mueren, eso lo aprendemos de un golpe los que morimos con ellos, eso es lo que los vivos como tú no pueden escuchar.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

The jewel of Santiago!

The Mapocho River will have an great potential, because it could by an body of water than it fulfil environmental function. Also if the Mapocho will clean, it would can chelter bird and fauna, than would help to keep the biodiversity of the capital. Also we remember than the river cover several commune of Santiago. Some of their: Lo Barnechea, Vitacura, Las Condes (bank south), Providencia, Recoleta (bank north), Independencia (bank north), Santiago (bank south), Renca (bank north), Quinta Normal (bank south), Cerro Navia (bank south), Pudahuel, Maipú, Padre Hurtado, Peñaflor, Talagante y El Monte.

Dancing dog!!!

well, I see dancing this dog in youtube and that really catch my atention than people celebrate so much the dancing of dog. I know than many their will think than I'm hateful, because I don't liked the dog, but I can't lie about this subject. Maybe, I find it ridiculous because I don´t like the dogs as lots persons.

I'm really sorry, but I don't have anything more to say.


My favourite season is summer. We use less clothes and the nights are most hots. We can go to beach to enjoy of sun. Also we can summing in the pool and It make barbaque at out door. In Summer, we are university vacation and I travel to differents places. I like to organize all it relation with the triep.
For me, this phrase "A summer orange....It's has other flavour....para pa...!!!! It's very representative of spirit of summer. That season is the most cheerful of year.
¡Hurray the Summer!

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

My Saturday later!!!!

When I lived in Argentine, in the 2008, I never thougth to find so good friends.
I back to Chile the 27 of july and since this date than I can't see face to face.
The girls are very important, because we lived lots goods moments as bad moments, but always together.
This Saturday Karlita, my friend from Ecuador her reach to Chile. We walk out for the street and We saw Santiago from the Hill San Cristobal. We gone up the hill in elevator exactly in cable car. My friend went shocked of it beautiful than it's Santiago.
We goes to several places, I can´t believe than her was here and walking beside her. The saturday went a special day, overjoyed of pretty moments.

PD: I can't write because really I was very busy this weekend. I'm really sorry!

An animal or a Pet?

well, the truth I don't like much neither animals, only I love the horses. The dogs to difference of lots persons I don't like. Also I love the horses, because are very intelligents and obliging. I think too than their help to the recovery of persons with problems of mobility.
In the hippotherapy environment, a therapist uses the horse's movement to provide carefully graded sensory input. A foundation is established to improve neurological function and sensory processing, which can be generalized to a wide range of daily activities.

By that I think than the horses don't only are beautiful but also are very healing.

"THE SCREEM" of Edvard Munch

I don't know about of art, the truth I sometime saw a work of art, than it shocked me. The work of art called "The Screem" of Edvard Munch this painting me cause profound impact, because it's reflect of his mental illness and of as lots persons suffers helplessness of can't to express they than feel. maybe, you don´t liked the painting, but sure either them was no indifference.

Here has one to quote of the author of The Sreem and as come up if painting:

“ I was walking along a path with two friends—the sun was setting—suddenly the sky turned blood red—I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence—there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city—my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety—and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature".

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Favourite CD is ¿dónde están los ladrones?

My favourite CD is ¿Dónde están los ladrones? of Shakira than to mean "grateful" in Arab. Her name is Shakira Isabell Mebarak Ripoll. her date of birth is 2 of February, 1977. This CD is year 1998 and I liked from the beginning, because have very good letters, and I had liked always her tone of voice.

1) Ciega, Sordomuda (Blind, Deaf and Dumb) - Very catchy song with a Mariachi sound.

2) Si Te Vas (If You Go) - Great song that starts out slow and turns into a harder rock song.

3) Moscas en la Casa (Flies in the House) - A slower sad song about lost love.

4) No Creo (I Don't Believe) This song is about her devotion to the person she loves, and literally translated she sings about how she doesn't believe in anything else but his smile and his kisses etc.

5) Inevitable - rock ballad, sad song about how she'll inevitably keep loving a person after he leaves.

6) Octavo Dia (The Eighth Day) - very good song - starts out slower and speeds up. About how God created the world, went on vacation, and returns to find it a mess.

7) Que Vuelvas (I Want You Back) - As others have said, this song sounds more like Estoy Aqui from Pies Descalzos. Good song but I prefer Estoy Aqui.

8) Tu (You) - really nice love song, one of the slower songs on the album.

9) Donde Estan Los Ladrons (Where Are The Thieves?) - Good rock song where she uses the harmonica too. This song is about how there are "thieves" everywhere - in artists, in politicians, etc.

10) Sombra De Ti (Shadow of You) - I think someone compared the guitars in this song to the ones in Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game", and I agree. This is a hypnotic sounding love song.

11) Ojos Asi (Eyes Like Yours) - I've heard this song out alot in clubs etc. It's a really catchy Arabic sounding song; great dance music. There is an English version of this song on her Laundry Service album, but I'm not sure how accurate the translation is. I think in general Shakira just sounds better singing spanish songs though, with some exceptions like Hips Don't Lie.

12) Estoy Aqui (I'm Here) - Some versions of this album have this song from Pies Descalzos on it. This is one of her popular hits and it's great.

My fauvorite actor: Tom Cruise

His oficial name is Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, his date of birth is 4 July 1962, He has 46 years old. He was born in Syracuse,Nueva York, USA. Tom Cruise is 1.70 metres tall.
When his had 14 have to enroll on seminary for is priest, but for luckky it don't turned! and It abondoned past one year. He is now members of church of the scienselogy.
I liked since girl, because is very attractive and is good actor. I enjoy looking their films. Here it's any fils of Tom Cruise.

ENDLESS LOVE (1981) de Franco Zeffirelli
TAPS (MÁS ALLÁ DEL HONOR) (1981) de Harold Becker
IR A PERDERLO Y PERDERSE (1983) de Curtis Hanson
REBELDES (1983) de Francis Ford Coppola
RISKY BUSINESS (1983) de Paul Brickman
ALL THE RIGHT MOVES (1983) de Michael Chapman
LEGEND (1985) de Ridley Scott
TOP GUN (IDOLOS DEL AIRE) (1986) de Tony Scott
EL COLOR DEL DINERO (1986) de Martin Scorsese
RAIN MAN (1987) de Barry Levinson
COCKTAIL (1988) de Roger Donaldson
NACIDO EL CUATRO DE JULIO (1989) de Oliver Stone
DIAS DE TRUENO (1990) de Tony Scott
UN HORIZONTE MUY LEJANO (1992) de Ron Howard
LA TAPADERA (1993) de Sydney Pollack
MISION IMPOSIBLE (1996) de Brian de Palma
JERRY MAGUIRE (1996) de Cameron Crowe
EYES WIDE SHUT (1999) de Stanley Kubrick
MAGNOLIA (1999) de Paul Thomas Anderson
MISIÓN IMPOSIBLE 2 (2000) de John Woo
VANILLA SKY (2002) de Cameron Crowe
MINORITY REPORT (2002) de Steven Spielberg
EL ÚLTIMO SAMURAI (2003) con Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe, Billy Connolly
COLLATERAL (2004) de Michael Mann
WAR OF THE WORLDS ( 2006) de Steven Spielberg

En vísperas de estreno o en fase de producción

MISION IMPOSIBLE 3 (2005) de Joe Carnahan
THE FEW (2008) de Michael Mann

martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

The swine flu

I think than is very terrible this illness, because more than murders has provoked a general paranoia. The peoples are hightly vulnerable opposite thing than don’t kwon. Also as the illness fast grown the persons frightened because they don’t know as to get better if get sick.
I think than Chile is prepare for out of this, because It have all the implements necessary for defies the emergency.
If have any doubt and you believe than is sick, consultation to your doctor.

The favourite film

“The Zone” is a history of armed robbery and of the hunt of man, but over all that is the history of fractured society, the history of two world than they afraid each other. What to make when the fear it’s more strong. It that fear than build the great wall. The walls don’t only separate place also to divide realitys. This film is amazing, is very extreme and it show the two face of the money.
I liked because mostrative of the reality of the fracture society and It don’t show the typical victim of and the wicked person but as all. This film go beyond of distraction is a call to reflect.

La zona
Título original: La zona
Año: 2007
Duración: 97 min.
Nacionalidad: México, España
Género: Drama

you can see this link whit the summary of film La Zona, is ver good!!!!